John is, amongst many other qualities, a very creative and funny guy. I won't go into the whole story, you can check it out for yourself, but John has a website, He asks that people do the pose he has called a "phoons" which by the way is also his nick name, and post it on his website. (oh, I suppose I should also include that if you go to his website, you will see the real phoons pose. These days I am having problems standing on both feet, so the actual pose was a little complicated for me).
One of the ways that I kind of bonded with John, was his compassion toward me when I was in the hospital. So, while most people like to do the phooning pose all over the world for his website, I thought it would be funny to do a phoons, while preparing for the colonoscopy. But, here is where it gets funny. (at least I think so, but as you may know, or are figuring out, I can be a little wacky).
My friend who was responsible for giving me a ride home, was going to take this picture for me while we were waiting in the pre-op room. However, she was going to meet someone to go swimming while I was swimming in a different way, and because the doctors were running kind of late, she had to leave before we got into the pre-op room. I was kind of disappointed, but I told her I would live if it didn't happen, so she left. A little later as I was now fully gowned ("open in the back and please don't tie it"), and laying on my little gurney, I heard a nurse say, "I will let you go back there, but you can't take any pictures!". My friend appears escorted into my little pre op cubical with a nurse who looked very concerned. She says, "This woman says she is a friend of yours, and she is here to take pictures?" I assured her that indeed she was my friend, and all was right with the world (although I couldn't figure out why she was back so soon and not out swimming).....but not from that nurses perspective. At first she thought she wanted to come into the procedure to take pictures.....OMG NO!!!! I tried to explain that I simply wanted her to take a few pics of me right there before I went back into the "procedure room". Well, as they say down South, she didn't cotton to that idea at all!! So, I tried to further explain.
"Well, you see, I have this friend who has a website, and he puts posts of people in these poses on it. He has people from all over the world....." I was interrupted.
"Wait, you want to put a picture of you, like this, on the internet? I just don't think that is wise, and I don't think the hospital is going to let you. I am pretty sure this is against their policy." I once again try to explain, "I am not taking a picture of anything that would be liable. Here let me show you" I got off my little gurney thing, and showed her the pose, mind you with my gown not tied in the back. She looked a little horrified. "You want a picture like that on the internet?" I realized where she was looking....."oh of course not, I will tie the back up!"
I guess that gave her a smidgen of comfort, so she said she was not going to promise anything, but she would go find the head of some department that makes the decision on if patients can take pictures in their gowns in their little pre-op cubicals.
While she was gone, my friend and I wrestled with the idea that no one would even know if we quick like took this picture. But, then I remembered the flash. So then we wondered, what would they do, take away my camera, make me delete it? Kick my friend out? Tell me to leave (hey now wouldn't that be a bonus!!!). But she returned and long story shorter, she said go for it. And came in and helped my tie up my gown! (oh, BTW, for those astute readers who are really paying attention, and saying to your self "self, why did her friend come back so early, why wasn't she swimming? Well in the short time we had been inside the hospital, pop up thunderclouds were out there. So, they decided not to chance it, so basically I guess mother nature wanted this picture to happen).
It became very funny, and was a good thing we did wait for the it took us forever to get the right pose. However, not only were we laughing hysterically trying to get this pic, so were the nurses, as well as a friend (who I ran into in the waiting room, who was also going to have a procedure, and he was in the cubical across from me. Vermont is such a small state! he he).
So, according to John, this will be on his website, but...I am just writing this because I want everyone to think about matter what, even if you are about to face one of the most ickiest procedures invented....HAVE FUN!!
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