Good Morning to everyone. I haven't written for awhile, partly because I have not been feeling good, but also because I have been trying to work around that not feeling well. So, I don't really know what is going to come out today, I decided to just do a little stream of consciousness may be interesting???
So, one of the topics I have been wanting to write about it creativity. I am so thankful and grateful that I got this gift times ten. I believe creativity is what has pulled me though this illness. I seem to be creative in almost everything I do. The other day, I was feeling pretty good, and on the days I am feeling good, I like to use one of my creative talents, cooking. So, the pictures above are a plate of my fried green tomatoes, with prawn and raw cow milk dill cheese. I love to have fried green tomatoes in the summer. My version is a little more healthy than the traditional, and they are if I don't say so myself, to die for! I don't deep fat fry these, I saute them in olive oil. I used cracker crumbs, made from rosemary crackers. They were delicious. I am trying to eat a diet that concentrates on reducing inflammation. It is basically the Mediterranean diet. So, part of my creativity is used in cooking meals that are good, nutritious, and will hopefully help the pain decrease. One of my new favorite things to do, is to think of a dish such as bagel and lox, and figure out how to use the basic ingredients to come up with something completely different. For this, I used brown rice and quinoa as the "bagel", and into this I mixed smoked salmon, dill, red onion, capers, and a few sun gold cherry tomatoes cut in half. Then I make a sauce (cream cheese), with olive oil, lime zest, lime juice, and a little creme fraiche. I also add just a tiny bit of agave nectar. Good for me, and good to eat too!!!
So, cooking is how I use my creativity, especially on the days I feel pretty good. I also included a photo of the Plainfield Co-op where I do my shopping. I feel very lucky, as this photo is taken from my front door. The Co-op is the blue building. My other goal I may have mentioned in other blogs, is to do a little exercise every day. I used to have a goal of hiking the Appalachian Trail, then I down graded that to the Long Trail, then I thought well maybe Spruce Mountain (a local mountain peek, and nice hike), and now, I try and I am not always successful to walk to the co-op everyday. While this is sad for me, to watch this progression of the illness, I am very grateful that I am still walking to the co-op, but even more wonderful, is that I have this beautiful place, filled with healthy, organic, local food right across the street from me. And what is even better than that, are the workers who I get to see every time I go there. And, the community members that shop there are also pretty great. It is my touch with human contact each day, and I think that is important. So, I feel very lucky to have this little business across the street. I also feel extremely lucky that I can still walk over there, without a walker!!!
The reason I haven't been writing is a good one. I have been finding creativity and partaking of it's healing potions. I have also been creating art, and I even got out the mandolin and played with that a little again. I have a goal, and that is even if this illness is trying to take me down, cause me pain in every little place in my body...well, I am going to fight back with creativity. It is my weapon of choice. I gladly take up a little creativity and mix it with a little creative energy and come out with the wonderful elixer of pain distraction. It doesn't always work, another reason I have not written is I have been laid low with pain. But, I don't want to talk about that. I am tired of that subject, and tired of that feeling.
I have also been visiting my lovely owlbox. Unfortunately 2 of the owlets have died. I wanted to do a tribute to them in this blog, but I couldn't get the picture I wanted to use to load. I did include it on my FB page. But, another pain distraction I have been using is taking screen shots of the owlets. This is so much fun, as they are like little prehistoric looking, feather covered softballs with tiny little wings....and such humor. I get hours of pleasure doing this! I hope to share some of these here with you, and especially on FB.
So, there you have it, again...not a great piece of writing (I will once again just to write), but if you are someone who is in pain, who feels like life is over because everything you dreamed of doing is no longer within reach, well, I am hoping you too can use some creativity to make this illness and/or chronic pain a little more bearable. I hope you too can cook up something that helps you feel better (yes bad pun), and that you can find something to do that makes you feel like you are still learning, and giving back to this universe we live in! Namaste
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