I am from Montana, where the wolf was reintroduced into Yellowstone park. On one of my visits back to my old stomping grounds, I went back to Yellowstone and sat and waited and saw the wolves. They are so wonderful. I am kind of strange this way, but that kind of beauty and power, just gets to me....and makes me cry. I cried at the Dolphin show at the Boston Aquarium too. For what ever reasons, I feel so close to these wonderful creatures. All animals, wild or domesticated. Of course, sharing my life with a wild dog has kind of made me more aware of how special and amazing wild animals really are!!!
So, would I be crying if Sarah Palin took out a bounty on right wing fundamentalists?....well, probably not. But then, they can take up arms and defend themselves.....these animals can not. They were here before we are. How dare we think that they are encroaching upon our land. That is complete nonsense. They don't want to have anything to do with us. They just want to do what they do best...exist and make sure their species does not die out. They help our eco system.
I am currently watching a nest cam set in South Africa of an Eagle Owl. I thought the name of the cam was funny....as it is potplantowl. I was tuning in thinking I would see these stoned owls hanging out in marijuana plants, but oh no, much more sad than that. These owls are nesting in someones potted plant on their balcony, as they couldn't find any natural place to nest. Luckily, they picked someone who is just interested in putting a cam up, and showing us the irony of this. How many people would either through ignorance or negligence, destroy the nest?
I cry a lot over animals. I want to see them safe. I want to see them living their lives like they should. If you have a moment and want to do something little to help these wonderful creatures, please go to the web site of Defenders of Wildlife and look at the actions you can take.
One of these days I hope that I can sign a petition to get rid of all the idiots out there like Sarah Palin, but until then......
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