This is another yarn painting, except for the most part it is done with 2 strand embroidery floss!!! So, it took me quite a while to finish. It is about 6" X 2 ". I coated some mat board with bee's wax, and pressed the floss into the wax. The bottom portion where the tree routes are growing are small delicata beads.
Now, I am hoping I will find the time, energy, and renewed enthusiasm to explore the oil paints.
I probably should write something pithy or interesting, or at least a little entertaining here today, but I am just too tired. I have been pretty active, at least for me in these past couple of days, so today, I am just allowing myself to do whatever it is I feel like doing.
I just made a very good grain salad. This has taken me 3 days to make, not that it is that difficult but mostly because I am a space cadet. (Ok, I can call it fibro fog, but let's just go with space cadete). First, I was going to make brown rice and quinoa for the grains, but I ended up throwing steel cut oats in the rice maker, rather than the quinoa. So, I got creative and decided to make a breakfast cold grain salad. So, I went over to my lovely coop, and bought some local blueberries, and mixed the grains, with the blueberries, and a little agave syrup. Yummo!!! So, that mistake has provided many breakfasts to come....
Yesterday, I made the rice and quinoa, but i just didn't have the energy to complete the rest of the salad. What I had the energy to do, was go to the physical therapist appointment (no walker for me, we are going to try the pool first, which actually I am very happy about)....He said he understands my reasoning that with a walker I would be able to get out more, and then have more exercise, but as I told him, I much more enjoyed his reasoning that maybe the pool would strengthen me more so I can walk further with less pain. I am down with that!!! Then I had to go pick up my "camp site" from the previous night of meteor watching in a friend's backyard. (It was so dewy out, that everything got really damp. So, I snuggled down into the sleeping bag to stay dry and warm, basically slept most of the good watching time!!!), But, between the PT appointment, and the picking up of the "camp"....I was exhausted, so the salad had to wait....
Then today, I woke up feeling pretty good (well, when I say woke up, ummmm, I fell asleep for about 2 hours, after talking on the phone for about 2 hours in the middle of the night, and then hanging out with my little owl friends for another couple of hours.....but, I finally decided to finish my yarn painting, and my "deconstructed bagle and lox salad" Because I am trying to follow a diet that is good for reducing inflammation (and hopefully pain), I have had some fun being creative in the kitchen. (I always have been a good cook, but now I am cooking with a purpose) for those of you with DD...I think the following dish is close to the diet prescribed by Dr Herbst.
I mix brown rice and quinoa, add tomatoes (just a few grape tomatoes because of the night shade thing), red onion, dill, capers, and flaked smoked salmon. I add a sauce of lime zest, olive oil, agave syrup, and lime juice. I also put a little bit of creme freshe in there. Again yumo!!!
So, today I have just about used up all my spoons (energy) with these I am about to return to take a nap.
In fact, while attempting to proof this, I have fallen asleep and woke up 3 times, with the laptop open and waiting for me to wake up and hit send.....sorry, I know this is poor writing, and possibly disjointed....i shouldn't have, but I did just erase the gibberish that I apparently typed while sleeping.....sppppoooooooooooooookkkkkkkkkyyyyyyyyy. I was going to write a whole blog about creativity, how it happens in all areas of my life, even cooking....but I will save that for a day when I am awake and have fully functioning brain cells (well, fully functioning in a way that will make me sound like I know what I am writing about)...LOL. So, back to dream world with me. Enjoy if you will, the art and the salad.....more later!
The salad sound wonderful!! I might try to make it. I can't eat oats - gluten problems. Great that you can get pool therapy. back to Panama tomorrow morning.