Wednesday, June 30, 2010

This is a first! (one)

I have finally decided to jump in and join the blogging generation. I do have lots to say, about many things; so here I am, finally. I hope to cover many topics: deep and introspective, silly and entertaining, informative and supportive, pithy, witty, wise, and wonderful. There may be a spiritual tint, a political hue, a sprinkling of humor.....but what i will always strive for, compassion.

Here is something that I think may be important to know about me right off the bat...there will be typos, misspelled words, and probably atrocious grammar. You see, I could go back and correct every mistake that I will make, but I don't want this to be tedious, I just want to have fun, or be able to spew forth the thoughts that bounce around my mind. So, put away that red pencil, and just relax and read for the heck of it all.

If what I have to say pisses you off, well, I am sorry, but these ideas are going to be the way I see things. I understand that in this big ol world, we all have different ways of seeing things, of thinking about things, but hopefully we can agree to disagree. I welcome opposing views, but please, let's be nice, let's be constructive, and let's leave this place nicer than when we found it.

One of the topics that you will most likely find here is what it is like to live with chronic pain. For those of you who know me, that does not mean I will be doing the poor me thing. (well maybe sometimes) Mostly what that means is how I am coping with an illness that can't be seen, that at the moment isn't even diagnosed, but has taken not only the life I had, but the life I dream of away from me. It sucks. But, I find humor in it, so be prepared, you may find a chuckle or two here.

Of course there are going to be days that I am not feeling too happy, or funny, or witty. There are going to be days that all I want to do is babble forth about how life is not fair, cuz it isn't. I will hopefully be writing these rants because i want others to learn from them.

So, I guess this is the time to actually introduce myself. You know, I don't even know how this works. Are there going to be people reading this who I don't know? Or will just a few who I know think they are bored and come here to see what is on my mind? Ok, I will assume, just for the fun of it all, that some of you don't know me. (what is even funnier I suppose, is that I assume anyone at all will want to read this!! Although, I have been encouraged by a few people from message boards I belong to, to write a blog, so this is for you)....

My intro:

This is me, I am: gosh, you know what? I really don't feel like saying all the normal blah blah blah stuff. So, for now, here is a starter.....I am a woman who is about to turn 54. I live with 3 of the most wonderful creatures I could have found to live with me, 2 dogs and a cat. (you will meet all of them in due time, maybe even with pictures), but the most important part of knowing them, they are all 14, or about to be. I have an american dingo, aka carolina dog, a shih tzu, and a meatloaf of a cat who probably has some russian blue in him.

I have lived in many places in the U.S.A. but my heart (and currently my body) lives in Vermont. I dream every winter of leaving, but then the 2 months of summeroid weather comes around, and I know why I live here. I love nature, and if there is ever anywhere that I have lived that provides natural beauty, it is Vermont. We are all permanent fixtures of a postcard! Until I got sick enough that I just can't do winter sports like stuff any longer, Vermont was perfect. Now that snow and cold is more of a hassle, I do think about leaving. That makes me sad.

I worked in the mental health field for about 30 years, but in 2005 I ended up having to go on disability. I miss my career. I loved it. I have worked with many types of people, and settings, but the last was being an adolescent and family councilor. I was hoping to return to this profession, but I have finally realized, it isn't going to happen. Probably, there will be some of this kind of pondering about my future included in this blog. It has been fairly difficult going from the dream of hiking the Appalachian Trail, to being happy if i can stand long enough to do a few dishes, but hey.....that is least mine.....and why here we are, meandering through a mary mind!!!