Tuesday, May 10, 2011

When It Was Supposed to Happen

Yesterday, I was on my way to the pharmacy, when I suddenly found myself in the neighboring grocery store's parking lot. Huh? I laughed at myself, and turned around to go back to the turn off for the pharmacy. I wondered to myself if that was one of those things where I was mysteriously thrown off track to avoid something that would have happened. Like when you hear about someone missing the train that wrecked. I drove the short distance back to the pharmacy and that experience left my mind.

I was told that they were very busy, and wait could be up to 30 minutes long. I had a good book with me, and no where else to go, so I settled into the chair, and got my nose into the book. Suddenly, this woman came in and asked if her scripts were ready. The counter person told her she didn't see anything. This woman became very upset. (this was when my attention turned fully to them). The counter person looked through everything again, twice. Then she went to talk to the pharmacist. In the mean time, a man came in and greeted the customer. She kind of leaned into him, and balled her fists and said, "This is testing all of my Christian patience"...she went on to tell him that she had come in 20 minutes earlier and they told her it would be at least that long until they could get the prescriptions to her. He responded by saying, "Yes, sometimes it isn't easy to be Christian".

The clerk came back and told her that the doctor had called it in, but it was called into the pharmacy she usually uses. She was visibly holding back her anger....her hands were shaking and she was gritting her teeth. The counter person said that they would call that store and have it transferred to this store, but it would be a few minutes more. The customer kind of barked at her..."So how much longer will THAT be?" The clerk said they would try to expedite it, but they were very busy. She agreed to wait, but left in a huff. (she had been coming in and out of the store a few times).

I was thinking, since I was sitting there all comfy reading my book, that if they wanted to put her in front of me, that would be ok with me...but just then one of the pharmacists came out to tell me (rather sheepishly) that my doc had written a script for a strength that didn't exist, and they had put a call into him. I told her I totally understood how that happened (I won't explain why, but I did know why that happened, it wasn't his fault), and I would just sit there and wait. So, I figured I didn't need to mention anything about putting that woman in front of me, as I was going to be waiting anyway.

So, as I sat there, I started examining (as I have a want to do)...what had just happened. I was thinking about her statement to the man, "It is taking all my Christian patience"....why was it "Christian patience?" I thought. That seemed kind of an interesting statement to me. I was sitting there and just "being" patient. I didn't think that Christ had much to do with my patience...directly. But, maybe she had somewhere to go, or had to get children off the bus, or any one of the things a busy life demands....and I had nothing pressing. So, maybe her patience was harder to come by, than mine. But still, I was curious why it would be Christian patience. Did that mean if she didn't have Christ in her heart, she would hurt that clerk? Hmmmm, I wondered. I think maybe, I was being Christian...or at least wanting to be, as I had a thought about putting her in front of me....but I wasn't saying to myself..."I am calling up my Christian compassion." Does Christ really have anything to do with our emotions? Other than wanting to act Christian, so we will be able to get into Heaven, I just couldn't figure out why she had to name her patience "Christian". This is in no way chastising her for saying this, but it just started a whole conversation with myself that seemed somehow important.

I finally let that go, and started reading again. A man who had been sitting beside me commented on my book. So that got us into another conversation. He told me he had just got back from Afghanistan, and was there because he had just had some "junk" taken out of his chest. Someone he knew came in, and he started talking to him too. We started discussing the recent killing of bin Laden, and his hope that this would get us out of Afghanistan. I was in awe of his story, and his dedication as all he wanted to do was get healed and get back. He was not a young man, he said he was 51. He got up to leave as his prescription was ready, and as he was walking by me I called him back to me, I shook his hand and thanked him for what he does for us. He laughed and thanked me. Although, his energy...his demeanor was kind of gruff, and he would usually be someone I would not stop to talk with.......I again started thinking.....

I was a child of the 60's and 70's....and if you were not, you will not understand this....but I was "taught" not to like the military. I was in my most informative teen years during the Vietnam War. Now, I have turned around my thinking that the men and women who went over did not deserve the treatment they got on the return home. (Luckily, I did not participate in the sentiment of the time that soldiers were to be scorned)....but, what did grow out of that time was a dislike of military and war. But, here I was listening to a man who was rather forceful and not my "type" of person I would usually respond to....but yet, I found myself calling out to him so I could shake his hand. I kind of smiled, that I had grown up. If this guy would have been a guy sitting there in his uniform and had the manors that you see soldiers on TV have...then I would have more easily applauded his service to us....but this guy was different. Again, deep thought ensued. About that time, I was interrupted by the counter person, who said to me...."You have the patience of the Saints huh?" I laughed at her, and asked her what time it was...."It is almost 4:30pm" I went in there around 1:00!!!! I went up to her and thanked her for telling me the time and said I thought I would just come back another day. She thanked again, but this time for being so understanding. I returned that thanks by telling her my observations over the day at how many people yelled at them when things did not go right. She just smiled and said, "Yeah, we get used to it."

Once again, as I walked out the pharmacy I went into that deep thinking place. I realized that everyday, they are faced with people that are not feeling good, in pain, in a rush...etc. And, every time I am in there, they are always smiling and helpful....and I bet don't get paid all that much. It made me want to remember to always appreciate them for the work they do when I go in there. After all, isn't that what we all want....just a little appreciation? Then I drove by the entrance to the grocery store.....

I thought back to my wondering if had kept me from some accident waiting to happen....just the total opposite I realized. I think I was given the opportunity to face some of my prejudices, and given a chance to think a little deeper about our interactions with one another. And, I was pretty happy that the outcome was to make a note to be just a little kinder to someone. I am still not certain that God or Jesus is in control of my emotions....but I do think that maybe sometimes I am given lessons....and hopefully...that was one I passed. As I have heard before: "There are no coincidenses, only God seeing if we are paying attention."

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