Sunday, September 5, 2010

slip and fall

It's been awhile. I want to write, but every time I try, nothing comes out. I think between the pain that I have been experiencing, and the recent death of one of my very favorite uncles, I just haven't had the energy to come up with anything to write about. Fall is almost upon us, I suppose that could render some kind of reflection, or thoughts about what is to come. I used to love fall. I loved getting new clothes, or at least getting the old clothes out of storage (and that $20 bill that seemed to have been forgotten in my coat pocket), and dressing in a way so I could be warm in the morning, but cool in the afternoon. I did like the way the air felt lighter, crisper, and the big sky in Montana was always so blue. Yes, I loved fall back then. But now....

I should love it, I am in Vermont, home of the king of falls, the showboat of all of the falls in all of the states, the stereotypical image of fall. It is beautiful. The first time I saw a mountain side ablaze with the near neon blast of color, I actually welled up. I had never seen anything like it. I haven't grown complacent about those colors; Mother Nature still amazes me, awes me, and makes me realize that I am one lucky woman to be able to bear witness to all that she provides. But....she also provides that thing...that stuff....that horribleness that one can only enjoy while young, agile and healthy. That stuff that is cold, and when you are not watching will bury your car....the terrible "S" word....snow.

I used to love snow. I was even called "the Snow Queen" amongst friends. Snow was fun in every way. Fun to walk in, especially when it is really really cold and the way it squeaks when you walk on it. It is fun to play in and with, snow forts, snow balls, snow sculptures. Not to mention skiing, sledding, ice skating...all the things that would make me plead, beg, pray for snow. But the best, that first real snow storm. How it makes everything quiet, and white and clean. How beautiful and sparkly it is in the sun, and the most beautiful shade of periwinkle blue that shows itself right before sunset. Yes, this is all beautiful, and marvelous, and wonderful, and blah blah blah.......

Now, because I am an old person (only in body mind you) that has been forced to walk like some web footed fowl with arms out to my side, rocking from one foot to the other in very slow small steps, I hate snow. I don't like that it is slippery. I don't like that is cold and wet. I don't like that if I fall, I may very likely break my ass, or leg, or arm, or hip. It is too much fear. I don't like fear. Even the cold that once felt refreshing and invigorating, now seems to have found the entrance to every joint I have on this body, and it makes them stiff and they creak and grown. No, I don't much like this cold and snow business.

Not to mention the hassles this stuff brings to me. I have to shovel, not only the side walks, but my roof! I can no longer do this, so I have to become some beggar woman asking neighbors to please help me. Then, and this is the worst.....there is the heat bill to pay. I start stressing about this in the spring. Living on a small fixed income is not conducive to a stress free fall/winter. It isn't like I can just put on more layers and huddle around a little electric heater...oh no...I have all manner of pipes that can freeze and burst....I know, it has happened...a lot! So, not only do I not have the money to pay for the heat, now add the heat guy, and the plumber. (oh and if I am really nice, and feel like I can expend it...a few dollars for those helping with the shoveling). So, whatever money I may have for things like food, clothing, entertainment (yeah right) now goes to winter maintenance......and I would like to add, this means sitting in a cold and drafty house with the thermostat turned all the way up to a balmy 50 degrees. Ah yes, ain't this the life?

So dear readers, at this point I am almost sure I can hear you all, in unison saying..."Get the hell out of Vermont". Makes sense doesn't it? But wait, then I would miss that first snow flake landing on my tongue. That first big snow where all you can do is cuddle up inside and sit and watch the absolute beauty of the show Mother Nature is providing. There is also a community that comes with the white stuff. People helping others with shoveling, or just mentioning the fact that we weathered another great storm. There are more community dinners and potlucks, filled with delicious things like hot soups and stews. So winter is not a dark, lonely time of the year, if you don't want it to be.

But, I still do kind of dread it, and welcome it all at the same time. Maybe it is the survivor in me...ahem, the stubborn survivor in me...."I'll tough it out, I can get through anything!" Maybe it is just that I am a Northern woman, and that is where my blood just wants to be. Maybe it is that I can't fathom having to pack up and move.....maybe there is some kind of magnetic force right under Vermont that grabs us, and won't let us go.

Running with that theory...I may be onto something. I have noticed that there are a very high number of like thinking people in this State. Mostly it is people thinking good thoughts, caring thoughts, you your neighbor kinds of thoughts. Maybe that white stuff and the dropping thermometor keeps those out that can not feel that same magnetic pull. There is a joke about that, the weather keeps away the undesirables. Maybe?

So, for at least one more year, I will bitch, moan and complain about the weather. I will absolutely freak out because I won't know how I will afford fuel oil. I may slip and fall on the ice and snow, or hurt my back shoveling. I may not see very many people, or go out to do as many things. But, I will still be here. I will every once in awhile marvel at the beauty. I will snuggle down into my comforter and blankets, gather my animals around me and smile as I drift off to sleep. (Think about it, when you freeze to death, you basically just go to sleep.....I had heat stroke wasn't pretty!!!)......but no, I just mean go to sleep all toasty warm in my bed.

So, let the fall begin. The seasons change and so do I, and just like the winter with it's harshness and beauty, I find myself sorting through the winter in my soul, with it's harshness and beauty...there is something to be said for hibernation.

Happy Fall Everyone......


  1. Mary, once again you have touched my soul with your words, which all of your entries do. You are the most fascinating person I have ever known. I send you love and please know that I am so grateful our paths have crossed.
    Hugs for you, greywitch/Robin

  2. Well now I'm comptiplating where we can convince you to move to. "Ha", she says..."you'll have to drag me away." Well we probably will, and I think we have a big enough group gathered to get the job done.

    I know how awesome Vermont is, so it's not going to be an easy task my dear friend. If only you could close up the house in the winter and migrate south for the winter harshness, you could savor both worlds. I know;reality,reality.

    I hope you have a break from pain today. I've had a cold so my breathing hasn't been strong enough for the two of us, I'm afraid. So I'll send love your way, the closest thing to pure, postivie energy I can muster today.

    Love&Peace, Vikster/Victoria
