Saturday, October 30, 2010

Treat No Trick!

A friend of mine just said he would read an experience I put on FB on my blog. Now, he may have read the last one, and is trying to tell me that he he is my favorite token Republican in my life!! :) So, he may have not enjoyed the last blog......but you will enjoy this one!

I love this little village I live in. It is what American should be. We tend to really watch out for one another, and care for each other, and yesterday was a really good example of that.

I was over at our little food co-op, the local hang out for me. I love everyone who works there, and the atmosphere. There are usually members of the community shopping and we always seem to have time for a conversation deeper than the weather. So, yesterday I was lamenting the fact that I could not afford Halloween candy for the trick- or- treaters this year. I live on a very popular block and can go through $40 of candy easily. A few people were talking to me as I said this.

Later, I was laying on my couch and watching TV. I heard a noise at my door, and looked out the window to see a kid speeding away on a scooter. I didn't feel like getting up at the time, but later when I went out.....what should be hanging on my door, but two large bags of Halloween candy and a note saying it was from my 10 year old (I think) neighbor down the road!!!! HOW SWEET IS THAT!!!!!! I can do Halloween now!!!

I love Halloween in this town. I don't decorate, but I do love handing out candy and seeing the costumes. We have a Halloween Parade that is fun to watch. So, I was sad that I would have to hide in my house and pretend I was not home.....but not now! I also know that the family that helped me out, is not that much better off than I this is one humbling experience.

So, my Republican friend.....there you go! I suppose, this is really what should be happening in our world. We all should be taking care of one another, so the government doesn't have to step in....but I hate to say it...this is rare! I think though, if we are going to have to weather the upcoming storm.....We need to all take a lesson in this little village of mine. We do need to start taking care of one another. We need to realize those that don't have family or ways to help themselves, and be more proactive in reaching out to them. Maybe that is what this world needs, to get us "out of ourselves" a little bit.

I am sitting here thinking of an elderly woman who lives down the street who has asked me to come visit her. I haven't....I should. Maybe, I need to put my words into action....maybe I need to go visit her. I always think because of my disability "what can I do for anyone"...heck, I can talk! I can go visit! I can sign petitions to help the wild life, I can vote, I can be nice to the little kids in the block, as well as the not so little kids. There are many things I still can do....and I will. Will you?

So, much thanks go out to my little goblin candy provider, I hope your generosity has sparked anyone who reads this to pay something forward this next week. If you do, report back here or on my facebook page....ready, set....go!

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