Tuesday, July 20, 2010

now what?

Hello again. Well, I guess it is back to the drawing board once again. I went to the rheumatologist (I can't ever spell that right), today, and she was really nice, but yet again, I am coming away sans diagnosis. Well, I have a little one, possible metabolic myositis, which is very rare. She thinks, and I hope, that this last episode that landed me in the hosptial twice, may have been some funky reaction to meds that I have been on for years, but just "turned against me". Basically, these are statins for high cholesterol levels. She is going to suggest to my doctor, (but said that if it were her, she may just wait to see if I have another episode), that there is an expert in this at Dartmouth that I could go see. I think I will wait. I really don't care anymore.

I continue to think that what I am having is a combination of ehlers daniels syndrom (EDS), fibromyalgia, and dercums, with a smattering of osteoarthritis thrown in for fun. At first she said that my knees showed no signs of arthritis, (from her physical exam), but then I told her my MRI and orthopedic surgeon say differently. She pulled up the MRI, and said...."well look at that, you do". However, because I am sooooo flexible, it just doesn't look like I have stiffness like you would find in typical arthritis knees. Yep, that would be the EDS, which she agreed. So, I am relieved and also kind of mad. It is that strange place of wanting it to be something that can be treated, so it will go away, and glad it is nothing that is serious and can be treated but means more meds, more tests, etc.

Because she was so nice, I decided to ask her some other questions, like....can this just be some strange genetic mutation that is just me? She shrugged. I am beginning to think this. This happens all the times, and I drive doctors crazy. I get these whacked out lab results, or test results, then months, weeks, days, hours later....they are back to normal. Amazing healing abilities? Maybe. Ok, here is where it is going to get either very informative, strange, or entertaining.....but, I think I am the liver of the world!

Really! Sometimes, I think that everything just passes through me, and I heal it...but in the meantime, I pick it up. Is that really any crazier than dercum's, or fibromyalgia, or the common cold? My whole life has been about suffering. I won't bore all of you with why I say that, I am sure some of you who have known me would agree, and others are scratching your heads and wondering WTH is she talking about. The fact, that I think my whole life has been about suffering, yet here I am, fairly intact. Fairly able to laugh with the best of them, and avoid crying with most of them....well, I think that says something. Does it say I am strong? maybe Does it say I am just nuts? maybe Does it say that I am just focusing on the bad, and maybe everyone has this, I just pay more attention to it....(believe me, I have heard this).....well, that I don't think so.

So, now we go back to the narcotic pain killers. Do I need them? Well, I think so, but then again, how would I know, as apparently they trick you into thinking you need them. That is the "current thinking", so says many of the docs. Well, I am about at the point of saying, "OK, lets give that a try". God bless me for even thinking this! I know what my life is like without these evil little pills. It SUCKS. But, ok, maybe THEY have a point, and I do not know what I am doing. If I can pull up any amount of bravery, the next time I see my PCP.....I just may explore this, and do an experiment. If he will agree to detox me in the most unpainful way possible (I have been on these things for years, I don't think detox will be pretty) even if that means some rehab (and hopefully one that can work with chronic pain, not just chronic abusers of meds), then I might, just might agree to do a little experiment. If I do this, I don't think you can expect me to be very "around", but who knows....maybe it will be the answer. I don't know. I am just as confused as everyone else.

In my heart of hearts, I don't think that what I have is your common garden variety fibromyalgia. I just don't. I do think it explains some of my symptoms. I think that Dercum's explains many of my symptoms too. But, I just want my life back. Ok, so if it is the narcotics that are robbing me from my life....then lets get rid of them (she, the nice new doc suggested this may be the case, but did say that with, well, that is what is in the literature currently) hmmmm, I wonder, how much influence does the DEA have with that literature? But, who am i to question those who "know"?

I certainly have well meaning friends and family who think I should get off those "horrible" things. I don't know, who are they listening to? They are what makes me functional. But, right now I am barely functional with them, so why not go whole hog non-functional and see what happens? Well, fear for one answer. Pain is not easy to live with my friends (as many of you know), I fear that I will just "go away". I can leave my body pretty fast, and my fear is that I may choose to leave it, and just not return. No, I am not talking suicide or anything like that, I am just talking the ability to disassociate. I learned that as a child. Nice tool to have if you don't mind sitting and staring into space with a blank look on your face.

This is such an ever lasting, on going, time consuming battle in my head. And people think we like to take these meds! I don't know. This is yet again, one of those posts that I should probably chalk up to, getting my ya ya's out, and not for public consumption....but then again, I know not just me struggles with these issues. I bet, there are many of us out there who would just like to have a life that is filled with love, laughter, joy, happiness, contentment.....isn't that what everyone wants. Ok, now I am crying.....for I just don't see that in my future. Not to the degree that I want it. I see me coping with this pain, I see me having moments of joy and happiness, and of course laughter (cuz I love me some laughter), but I don't see it as sustainable. That is what scares me. NO, THIS IS NOT DEPRESSION SPEAKING....I think it is reality speaking. I so want to work again, to be out amongst the public, as most of you know, I am pretty darned extroverted (except when the pain and fatigue make me very darned introverted, but that is more like a forced state of being). But, I don't see that happening. I used to. I used to think that there was something i could do......but, that hope has slipped away. Well wait, not that it has totally slipped, I mean, I don't ever seeing me doing the kinds of jobs that I want to do. There is probably something I can do, if it is very flexible and accomodating????

Ok, I can't take up anymore of your, or my time with this......one of these days, there will be someone who will come up with an answer. Patience, is something that I have. In fact maybe to a fault....but right now, there are Monks in Tibet praying for me, who don't even know me, there are people who are working to figure out what is going on with our bodies/psyches/souls and how they all connect.....I think they will figure it out one day. Until then, I will continue to pray, to be a "liver" if that is my job, and to hopefully keep laughing.....cuz that really is the only medicine I like to take!


  1. I just want to add something that I mentioned to a friend while writing an email. I was saying that if I do decide to go off narcotics, then they best find me an industrial strength seat belt, cuz I do believe it will be a bumpy flight. Am I crazy? Am I punishing myself to prove some point that I (and that would be a bolded, italized, major capitalized "I") already think I know the answer to? It is my body, my brain, my soul we are mucking around with here. Oh well, like I said, if it happens.....I think a side order of duct tape with those seat belts will be in order =)

  2. Again, Thank you for sharing your struggles so eloquently!

  3. Thanks Sue for thinking that this is eloquent, when today I feel like I have total mush brain! Guess I can still fool em when I need to...LOL!!!

  4. Mary, it is not just you...you are not the only genetic mutant, if it makes you feel any better. I asked my Rhuematologist at my age, how could I have Fibromyalgia, DERCUM'S, Osteoarthritis, breast cancer, etc., etc.. and she just said "Unlucky, I guess." So that really didn't give me much hope. When I was reading your words it sounded exactly like I wrote it myself. I relate on all subjects, thoughts and concerns. I've been to the lowest of lows, where I didn't want to come back too. I'm still going thru the grieving process of losing my "life as I planned it." All the years of college. All the years working to be my own boss, now I can't even work for myself, so how could I work somewhere else. I've tried my whole life to be independent and self-supporting and now I feel guilty I have to rely on others to help me survive. I could go on for pages, but just know you aren't alone. I've had several people "lecture" me about narcotics, but they have never suffered the pain I have. If they walked in my shoes 1 week they would understand and keep their mouths shut! People tell me my meds make me sick...I know what side effects are from my meds and what are my from my illnesses, I suffered a long time without any narcotics and I know what it is like. When people tell me my meds are making me sick, I should stop, I'm addicited, etc., I say I took the medicine BECAUSE I was sick, I didn't just start taking vicodin, morphine, methadone, fentanyl, etc. and THEN get sick. I am coping right now on what I'm on and I don't think anyone has the right to tell me what or what not to take. No one knows except the person experiencing the pain what or how much etc. they should take. I guess you have to weigh the good with the bad. Are the side effects worse than the illness? In my case no, but the side effects are no picnic either. I would love to not have to take anything! I don't get High off my drugs! I'm not a druggy! I'm just a person trying to survive day by day, hr by hr, minute by minute. It is NOT our fault we are suffering from this horrific pain!!!Like my Dr said "Just unlucky, I guess."

  5. Wow angel, do you have the right name!!! Thanks for that!! YES!! I was just talking with someone who said to me, but wasn't your pain there before the drugs? OF course it was. I also just had a wonderful conversation in a chat room with a medical professional who helped me see my wicked ways..LOL....and said, don't even think your doctor needs to see your base line pain level without the meds, your doctor knows that, or wouldn't be prescribing them for you! The fact that my pain is getting worse is probably more a product of the illness, especially since this new problem has reared it's head, there are things that the doctors are trying to figure out, NOT that I am lying to them about the pain, or that the meds are causing my pain. This person helped me understand this metabolic myopathy more, which is rare and very hard to diagnose without lots more tests, but says that everything I have mentioned, points toward that being a viable dx! SO, I guess I will stay on the meds, and be fairly functional! LOL

    I also want to share something kind of funny. My doctor once said to me "My, when you were swimming through that gene pool, you just didn't pick up anything very helpful did you?"

    And so it goes.....
