Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sleep, why hath thee forsaken me?

I have started and deleted and re-started and deleted this blog about 5 times. I think this is the time to just simply sleep makes me unable to write about no sleep!

I tried to be witty, that didn't work. I tried to be factual, that was boring. I tried to write something that would at least be helpful, or comforting, or supportive to you the possibly kindred insomniac....but that is not going to happen either....apparently.

Here is the thing, no sleep means few available brain cells. And I think I am wanting to use those for some other things right now. So, even while I wanted to share all my insight, I am thinking what I really want is a good breakfast, and a nap. i have been up all night, how about you?

But someday, what i do want to explore with you, is our feeling the need to get a certain amount of consecutive sleep hours. I know they say 8, but for us who can't figure out how to get even one on most nights....I will not put an amount on that consecutive.

So, here is what I am working on (now, this is easy for me, as I don't work). This maybe one reason why I can't work.....but, I am going to allow myself to be awake when I am, and sleep when i can. So far, this has meant a few minutes here, and hour there. Sometimes I get maybe 2 hours at a time. The bad thing is, I only sleep when I am so exhausted, that I almost HAVE to sleep. So, I will report back, but right now....I am way too tired!

1 comment:

  1. Mary, your writing goes straight to my heart and soul. Meanderings of Mary's Mind is beautiful and I so admire you. I do read it and I do care.

    Greyrobin (aka greywitch)
